Olg Lottery
A raffle lottery is a scheme whereby tickets are sold for a chance to win a prize at a draw and includes 50/50 draws, elimination draws, and calendar draws.
Provincial Licence
Download OLG Lottery for Android to introducing the official OLG Lottery app from Ontario Lottery & Gaming. Now you can scan and check your lottery ticket anytime, anywhere. Read all about the winners of OLG lottery games here!
Only the Registrar may issue a licence to an eligible charitable or religious organization for the following:
- Raffle lotteries where the total value of the prizes to be awarded exceeds $50,000;
- Raffles conducted in an unorganized territory;
- Raffles conducted on federal land such as Canadian Forces Bases;
- Raffles lotteries where the event is to be conducted in conjunction with another licensed lottery event;
- Electronic raffles.
Municipal Licence
A municipality may issue a licence to eligible local charitable or religious organizations for paper raffle lotteries where the total value of the prizes to be awarded does not exceed $50,000.
2 days ago Ontario (ON) lottery results (winning numbers) and prize payouts for Pick 2, Pick 3, Pick 4, Encore, Early Bird, Canada Lotto 6/49, Ontario 49, Lottario, MegaDice Lotto, Lotto Max, Daily Grand. Feb 06, 2021 There are 3,805 Ontario Poker Lotto drawings since September 7, 2010. In case you were wondering: OLG ensures that draws are completely fair and random. It’s regulated by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, and there are precautions to make sure the odds of winning can’t be changed by OLG employees or lottery retailers, in any way.
Municipal licence applications may be made with the municipality where the event will be administered.
If you are applying for a municipal licence, contact the local municipality where the event will be administered for more detailed information on the application process, licensing fees and required attachments.
Blanket Raffle Licence (issued by municipalities only)

A blanket raffle licence will allow eligible organizations to obtain one lottery licence to conduct and manage more than one type of raffle event within a fixed time period and within a capped prize amount.
Please refer to the AGCO’s Lottery Licensing Policy Manual for further information pertaining to blanket raffle licences.
Application Requirements:
- First time applicants should visit the Charitable Lottery Licensing Overview page for information on what’s necessary to determine eligibility
- Municipal approval letter (if applicable)
- Please refer to Raffle Application Requirements for Lottery Licences Issues by the Registrar, linked below, for complete details on additional documentation required
- Appropriate lottery licensing fee payable to the Minister of Finance.
Where the licensee wishes to extend ticket sales or hold the draw outside the municipality where the event will be administered, the licensee must notify each municipality in which it wishes to extend its operations. Such request shall be in writing and include a copy of the licence issued, as well as a copy of the original application submitted. Permission to extend ticket sales into municipalities other than the municipality where the event is administered will be considered for municipalities in the Province of Ontario only.

The licensee must conduct and manage the event in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the licence.
Application Forms, Reports, Terms and Conditions
Raffle Application Requirements for Lottery Licences Issued by the Registrar (For use when applying or reporting to a municipality or First Nation with an Order-in-Council)
Application to Manage and Conduct a Raffle Lottery (For use when applying or reporting to a municipality or First Nation with an Order-in-Council)
Lottery Report (For use when applying or reporting to a municipality or First Nation with an Order-in-Council)
Application to Manage and Conduct a Blanket Raffle Lottery (For use when applying or reporting to a municipality or First Nation with an Order-in-Council)
Blanket Raffle Lottery Report (For use when applying or reporting to a municipality or First Nation with an Order-in-Council)
Electronic Raffles
Organizations licensed under this framework may use computers in the sale of raffle tickets, selection of raffle winners, and distribution of raffle prizes within the parameters of that framework.
Electronic raffle solutions developed by your Charity/Organization must be reviewed and approved by the AGCO’s Technical and Laboratory Services. Please use the Electronic Raffle Solution Review Form to submit your proposed solution for assessment and email the form to lotterylicensing@agco.ca.
Documents and Publications:
Catch the Ace
A Catch the Ace progressive raffle lottery is a multiple-draw game in which participants purchase tickets for a chance to win:
- A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of tickets from one draw, and
- The draw winner also gets a chance to win a progressive (cumulative) jackpot by selecting a card from a standard deck of 52 playing cards.

Documents and Publications:
- Application to Manage and Conduct a Raffle Lottery (For use when applying or reporting to a municipality or First Nation with an Order-in-Council)
- Catch the Ace Raffle Report (For use when applying or reporting to a municipality or First Nation with an Order-in-Council)
1. What is Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation?
Created on April 1, 2000 under the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Act, 1999, Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) is a provincial agency operating and managing province-wide lotteries, casinos, and slots facilities at horse racing tracks.
Our purpose is to make life better for people across Ontario by generating revenue provincially and economic and social benefits locally. Our vision is to be the role model for gaming entertainment worldwide, by creating excitement and possibility for customers and generating economic return while upholding the public's best interest.

Generating approximately $6 billion in annual revenues and $2 billion in annual profit for the Province of Ontario, OLG businesses directly employ 20,000 people and support nearly 11,000 independent lottery retailers.
For more information: About OLG; Corporate Governance; OLG in the Community; Where the Money Goes; Responsible Gaming; Media Centre.
2. What is OLG?
OLG is the preferred brand name for Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation which is our full corporate name.
3. How does OLG report to the provincial government?
OLG reports to the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Public Infrastructure (PIR), and is led by a Board of Directors appointed by the province.
For more information: Corporate Governance.
4. How much money does OLG generate and how is that money used?
The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Act, 1999 directs gaming proceeds to provincial hospitals, sport, recreational and cultural activities, and to charitable organizations and non-profit corporations through the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and other government priority programs such as health care and education.
In the 2004/05 business year, OLG generated approximately $2 billion in proceeds that were allocated by the Province of Ontario, including:
- $1.5 billion to hospitals
- $334 million to general government priorities such as health care and education
- $100 million to the Ontario Trillium Foundation
- $36 million to problem gambling
In addition to these public benefits, shares of OLG revenues were also directed to support other sectors, including:
- $300 million to Ontario's horse racing industry
- $105 million to Ontario First Nations
- $75 million to municipalities hosting OLG gaming sites
For more information: Where the Money Goes.
5. What is OLG doing about problem gambling?
OLG is strongly committed to upholding the public's best interest by delivering its products and services in a socially responsible manner. On March 31, 2005, the Corporation launched its Responsible Gaming Code of Conduct, a commitment to reduce the risk of problem gambling in Ontario. Through a series of initiatives, OLG is strengthening its corporate commitment, enhancing customer information and education programs and developing programs and polices that improve the gaming environment.

For more information: Responsible Gaming; Responsible Gaming Code of Conduct.
6. What are the differences between 'Resort Casinos,' 'OLG Casinos' and 'OLG Slots'?
Olg Lottery Lawyers
Resort Casinos in Windsor, Niagara Falls and Rama are large facilities that offer more gaming options, higher wagering limits, and a wide range of amenities such as hotels, entertainment venues and meeting/convention areas. OLG Casinos also offer great gaming, food and beverage services and entertainment. OLG Slots at horse racing tracks offer slot machine gaming, food and beverage services and entertainment.
For more information: Resort Casinos; OLG Casinos; OLG Slots
Buy Olg Lottery Tickets Online
7. How old must a person be to play a lottery game or to visit a gaming site?
Strict age controls are a key component of our commitment to social responsibility. A person must be at least 18 years of age to buy a lottery ticket, and OLG will not pay a prize to anyone less than 18 years of age. A person must be at least 19 years of age to enter a gaming site, the same minimum age as required for the serving of alcohol.
For more information: Responsible Gaming Code of Conduct.
8. Must lottery winners or gaming winners have their names published?
Publishing winners is important to demonstrate the integrity of our lottery games. For every winner there are a number of other players who did not win but have a legitimate desire to know that someone won. OLG reserves the right to publish the name, address and photograph of any lottery winner. The names of winners at gaming sites are released only with the permission of the winner.
9. Does OLG regulate or license charity lotteries? Can charities apply for grants funded with gaming proceeds?
OLG operates commercial gaming on behalf of the province of Ontario. While OLG proceeds support charities through the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the regulation and licensing of charity gaming is a responsibility of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.
For more information: www.agco.on.ca; www.trilliumfoundation.org.
10. Do lottery retailers win a disproportionate number of lottery prizes over $50,000?
There has been much talk across Canada in the recent months about lottery retailers who play lottery games and the proportion to which they win these games. In particular, there has been certain analysis commissioned by the CBC that suggests that lottery retailers in Ontario were winning major prizes at a rate that was almost statistically impossible.
Given our concern about what this report implies and our commitment to transparency with our players we contracted three qualified independent researchers to review the original research and conclusions regarding the rate of win by lottery retailers.
The one common thread that all three experts found is that there is not enough information, with a high degree of certainty, to draw the conclusions that have been made about retailers. In fact, depending on which inputs you use you could reasonably come up with different possible answers and conclusions
Dr. Randall Eubank, Ph.D. - Independent Statistical Consultant 'The results are simply too ad hoc and too poorly formulated to be deemed conclusive in any sense about any point they might be trying to make.' |
'When the various sources of uncertainty impacting the calculation of the expected number of wins by retailers are taken into account, the difference between that expected number and the actual number of wins by retailers may well lie within the limits of normal chance variation.' |
Fred. M. Hoppe, Ph.D. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University 'My overall conclusion is that from the available data, the assertion that the retailers are winning at a higher rate than the general public cannot be justified.' |
Retailer Claims by Retail Location
Recent media reports have suggested that retailers are winning a disproportionate number of lottery prizes over $50,000. The following is a breakdown of retailer wins by distribution channel.
Olg Lottery Group Play Form
The figures in the chart below shows the number of lottery prizes of $50,000 or more won by retailers over the period 1999-2005 broken down by distribution channel.
Without knowing more about the lottery playing patterns of the employees in each channel, it is impossible to determine whether the figures suggest any anomalies in win patterns. Among other things, the chances of winning large prizes in a particular channel are affected by the number of employees in that channel, the number of lottery tickets purchased by each employee in that channel and, since different games offer different odds of winning large prizes than others, the particular lottery games purchased by the employees in that channel. There is no reason to believe that the channels are uniform in each of these variables.
Claims by Retail Location Affiliated Claimants (1999-2005) |
Grand Total | |
101 | |
3 | |
7 | |
9 | |
7 | |
17 | |
4 | |
42 | |
190 |