National Bingo Day
National Bingo League. Hundreds of seniors. Let the bingo begin. June 27 is National Bingo Day, an opportunity for lovers of one of the most popular games in the world to celebrate their obsession with daubing! In the spirit of National Bingo Day, Fort Mason Games surveyed over 1,000 Americans about their love for this classic American game.
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Please do not steal this BingoGame for your site in any way.
It took a lot of work. Thanks.
Warning: This has a lot of graphics for printing out in order to make the |
Brownielocks and The 3 Bears
Patriotic Bingo!
The 4th of July, Memorial Day or Whenever The Spirit of America Moves Ya!
How do you playPatriotic Bingo?
You can play one of two ways.
1.The first way is to play the game the traditional way using cards with numbers,only you use our Stars and White and Red dabbers to cover the card and make aflag. (Or use our stars but create the rest of the flag bingo card withRED INK dabbers.)
Confused? Here iswhat our Patriotic Bingo Card looks like for
a winner like you! It is a totally covered card. The word
B-I-N-G-O at the top is replaced by F-L-A-G-S. The player who makes a total flagfirst wins! You can scream:
'God Bless America' if you want rather than BINGO!
Here is are examples of one star, one red square and one white squarewhich fit on our own Brownielocks free printable BingoCard.
(Note: Put whatevernumber arrangement you want in this card you wish in order that eachplayer has a unique card unlike the other players or use the word game belowalong with the dabbers.)
Click the image below and it will appear alone for printing. |
And what do you put thoseon?
Our FREE Brownielocks Bingo card.
Click the link below to go to that page.
2.The second way to play Patriotic Bingo is to do it the same way we created ourother holiday bingo games like Christmas Bingo,
Halloween Bingo, ValentinesBingo and as mention on our History of Bingo pagewith Baby Shower Bingo and Bridal Bingo.
You still replace BINGOwith 'F-L-A-G-S' at the top of the card.
But the players then create their own card based on words related to patriotismand the holidays.
Rules For Bingo
1. Across the topof the card replace the B-I-N-G-O with either
Tip: B-I-N-G-Oshould be replaced by a word that
does not have any letters duplicated to avoid confusion.
If there is another 5-letterword you prefer that doesn't duplicate any letters feel free to use it. Icouldn't think of one.
2. Give all yourplayers a blank card.
3. Then give them a listing of the words they can choose from to play with(see below) and have them write those on the card as follows:
(a) Provide the LETTERfirst and then the word so that they don't just put these words anyplace andthen have a harder time to find them when you call out the game.
(b) Keep 2 sheets for yourself. One to keep track of what has been calledand one to cut up to put into a bowl to call from.
4. Define thetype of game before you call. A regular bingo, a full cover game or whateverelse you choose.
Below are some examplesof words based on the header
F-L-A-G-S at the top of the card.
There are 24 emptyspaces on a card. There are 5 blanks per letter and we offer many options perletters to arrange as the player wishes. All words relate to U.S.patriotism, it's history, military, museums, country, music, songs, books andmovies and just about anything else that popped into my head.
F- Freedom F - George Cohen F - Marines F - Battlefield F - Memorials F - Medals F - Yankee Doodle F - President F - US Capitol F - Pentagon F - Korean War Memorial F - Declaration of Independence F - World War II F - 4th of July F - Flag Day F - National Guard F - US Seal F - Dollar Bill F - Republicans F - Florida F - Green Backs F - Washington Post F - Congress F - Campaigns F - Mt. Rushmore F - Paul Revere F - M*A*S*H F - Federal Debt F - Manassas Battlefield F - General Grant F - Herbert Hoover F - Conflicts F - Flag Bunting F - Pride F - Purple Heart F - 5 Star Generals F - Grunts F - Boot camp F - Yellow Ribbons | L- Lincoln L- Liberty Bell L - Coast Guard L - Lincoln Memorial L - Land of Free L - Washington L - Roosevelt L - World War I L - Library of Congress L - National Anthem L - Democrats L - Elections L - Coolidge L- Bill Clinton L - Museums L - Monuments L - White House L - Pennsylvania Avenue L - Louisiana L - Senators L - Uncle Sam L - Ellis Island L - Civil War L - Lee Greenwood L - Tax Forms L - Boston Tea Party L - Mayflower L - Rough Riders L - Caissons Go Rolling Along L - General Robert E. Lee L - Little Big Horn L - Camouflage L - Intelligence L - Over There L - Patriotic Clothing L - Tour of Duty L - Viet Nam Memorial | A - Abraham A - Amber Waves A- America The Beautiful A - Airforce A - Army A - Arlington Cemetery A - President Adams A - Dimpled Chads A - John Q. Adams A - Zachary Taylor A - Betsy Ross A - Jefferson Memorial A - Francis Scott Key A - Pledge of Allegiance A - John Sousa A - Pres. Bush A - God Bless America A - Alabama A - Eagle A - Congressmen A - Statue of Liberty A - Pearl Harbor A - Veteran's Day A - Volunteers A - American Red Cross A - From Here to Eternity A - Chester A. Arthur A - Assassination A - Candlelight Vigils A - Gone With The Wind A - Kilroy A - Draft Card | G - Grand Ol Flag G - God Bless the USA G - Green Berets G - Military G - Navy G - John Kennedy G - Constitution G - Votes G - Howard Taft G - Georgia G - National Parks G - US Customs G - Immigration G - Citizenship G - Green Card G - Grover Cleveland G - Operation Enduring Freedom G - Gulf War G - Warren Harding G - Georgia G - Bills G - USA G - Oklahoma G - Jimmy Carter G - Bill of Rights G - Montevideo G - Williamsburg G - Jamestown G - China Beach G - Special Operations G - Hostages G - D-Day G - Trail of Tears G - Geranimo G - Holidays G - 1040 Forms G - Millard Fillmore G - War Brides G - Rations G - Patriotic Jewelry | S - States S - Stripes S - Stars S - Special Forces S - Soldiers S - Viet Nam S - Korean War S - Star Spangled Banner S - Ballots S - Smithsonian Ronald Reagan S - Universal Soldier S - Protest Songs S - Draft Dodgers S - Operation Desert Storm S - California S - Salute S - Washington Mall S - September 11, 2001 S - Pennies S - Veto S - Florida S - Ulysses S. Grant S - Columbus S - Pilgrims S - Salvation Army S - IRS S - Pilgrims S - Saving Private Ryan S - Dwight D. Eisenhower S- Suffergettes S - Soldiers of Fortune S - Surveillance S - Uncle Sam S - Patriotic Decorations S - 'The Wall' |
If you can come up withmore words, feel free. I did these at the top of my head. I includedsome, but not all US presidents, and some US States.
Other Holiday BingoGames are:
Ham Radio Bingo! | Thanksgiving Bingo |
The game of charadesvaries from families and groups as far as the physical expressions for'Books' ' Songs' ' Long Sentence' or 'HowMany Words' 'Movie' and whatever. So I am not goingto post any rules here. Play charades based on the rules you and yourfriends and family are most familiar with. But, all of the words above forthe Patriotic Bingo can be used for charades. Plus, if you're verytalented you can include some of the WarMovies listed on this site.
These were created byBrownielocks for all patriotic occasions.
Visit our MAIN PATRIOTIC PAGE. Or check out a few featured links below: {4th of July Animation} {4th of July Cartoon & History} {Americana Trivia Quiz} |
Like Brownielocks on Facebook
Thanks for Visiting. We love you!
Brownielocks' Holidays & Fun For Everyone! © 1999-2021
Approximate Reading Time: 14 Minutes
Has it ever happened to you? It did with me a few weeks ago. It was National Taco Day (October 4th) and I didn’t find out until late that night before going to bed. If I’d-a-known about that fact in the morning, I would have prepared a righteous taco feast for my two boys and me.
Well, maybe not, but it’s still cool to have prior knowledge of some sentimental favorites just in case you wish to partake in celebrating your favorite oddball food item. For your own convenience, I’ve compiled a full list of national (American) food days, along with some select special food weeks and food months. Enjoy!
National Oatmeal Month
National Hot Tea Month
National Soup Month
National Soup Swap Month
Bread Machine Baking Month
National Wheat Bread Month
January 1 – National Bloody Mary Day

January 2 – National Cream Puff Day
January 3 – National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day
January 4 – National Spaghetti Day
January 5 – National Whipped Cream Day
January 6 – National Shortbread Day / National Bean Day
January 7 – National Tempura Day / Fruitcake Toss Day
January 8 – National English Toffee Day
January 9 – National Apricot Day
January 10 – National Bittersweet Chocolate Day
January 11 – National Hot Toddy Day
January 12 – National Marzipan Day
January 13 – National Peach Melba Day
January 14 – National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day
January 15 – National Strawberry Ice Cream Day / National Fresh Squeezed Juice Day
January 16 – National Fig Newton Day / International Hot and Spicy Food Day
January 17 – National Hot Buttered Rum Day
January 18 – National Peking Duck Day
January 19 – National Popcorn Day
January 20 – National Buttercrunch Day
January 21 – National Granola Bar Day
January 22 – National Blonde Brownie Day / National Soup Swap Day – date may vary
January 23 – National Rhubarb Pie Day / National Pie Day
January 24 – National Peanut Butter Day
January 25 – National Irish Coffee Day
January 26 – National Peanut Brittle Day
January 27 – National Chocolate Cake Day
January 28 – National Blueberry Pancake Day
January 29 – National Corn Chip Day
January 30 – National Croissant Day
January 31 – National Brandy Alexander Day
National Hot Breakfast Month
Canned Food Month
National Cherry Month
National Snack Food Month
Great American Pies Month
National Grapefruit Month
National Potato Lovers Month
National Hot Breakfast Month
Fourth Thursday of the Month – National Chili Day
February 1 – Baked Alaska Day
February 2 – Heavenly Hash Day
February 3 – Carrot Cake Day
February 4 – Homemade Soup Day
February 5 – National Chocolate Fondue Day
February 6 – National Frozen Yogurt Day
February 7 – National Fettucine Alfredo Day
February 8 – National Molasses Bar Day
February 9 – National Bagels and Lox Day
February 10 – National Cream Cheese Brownie Day
February 11 – National Peppermint Patty Day
February 12 – National Plum Pudding Day
February 13 – National Tortini Day
February 14 – National Cream Filled Chocolates Day
February 15 – International Gumdrop Day
February 16 – National Almond Day
February 17 – National Cafe Au Lait Day
February 18 – National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day
February 19 – National Chocolate Mint Day
February 20 – National Cherry Pie Day
February 21 – National Sticky Bun Day
February 22 – National Margarita Day
February 23 – National Banana Bread Day
February 24 – National Tortilla Chip Day
February 25 – National Chocolate Covered Peanuts Day
February 26 – National Pistachio Day
February 27 – National Kahlua Day
February 28 – National Chocolate Souffle Day
Maple Sugar Month
National Nutrition Month
National Frozen Food Month
Great American Meatout Month
National Peanut Month
National Sauce Month
National Flour Month
National Noodle Month
International Hamburger & Pickle Month
March 1 – National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day
March 2 – National Banana Cream Pie Day
March 3 – National Mulled Wine Day
March 4 – National Pound Cake Day
March 5 – National Cheese Doodle Day
March 6 – National Frozen Food Day
March 7 – National Crown Roast of Pork Day
March 8 – National Peanut Cluster Day
March 9 – National Crabmeat Day
March 10 – National Blueberry Popover Day
March 11 – National Oatmeal-Nut Waffle Day
March 12 – National Baked Scallops Day
March 13 – National Coconut Torte Day
March 14 – National Potato Chip Day
March 15 – National Pears Helene Day
March 16 – National Artichoke Hearts Day
March 17 – National Green Beer Day
March 18 – National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day
March 19 – National Chocolate Carmel Day
March 20 – National Ravioli Day
March 21 – National French Bread Day
March 22 – National Bavarian Crepes Day
March 23 – National Chip and Dip Day
March 24 – National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
March 25 – National Lobster Newburg Day
March 26 – National Nougat Day
March 27 – National Spanish Paella Day
March 28 – National Black Forest Cake Day / Something On A Stick Day
March 29 – National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day
March 30 – Turkey Neck Soup Day
March 31 – National Clams on the Half Shell Day / Oranges and Lemons Day / Tater Day
National BLT Sandwich Month
National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month
National Food Month
National Pecan Month
National Soyfoods Month
National Soft Pretzel Month
National Garden Month
Fresh Florida Tomato Month
National Public Health Week – 1st week in April
National Bake Week (begins 1st Monday) – 1st week in April
National Bubblegum Week – 3rd week in April
National Week of the Ocean – 3rd week in April
Egg Salad Week (movable holiday) – Last week in April
April 1 – National Sourdough Bread Day
April 2 – National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day
April 3 – National Chocolate Moose Day
April 4 – Chocolate Milk Powder Day (Debut 1828) / National Cordon Bleu Day
April 5 – Dandelion day – Dandelions are edible / National Caramel Day & Raisin and Spice Bar Day
April 6 – Fresh Tomato Day / National Caramel Popcorn Day
April 7 – National Coffee Cake Day
April 8 – Milk in Glass Bottles Day 1879 / National Empanada Day
April 9 – National Chinese Almond Cookie Day
April 10 – Cinnamon Crescent Day
April 11 – National Cheese Fondue Day
April 12 – National Licorice Day / Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
April 13 – National Peach Cobbler Day
April 14 – National Pecan Day
April 15 – Glazed Spiral Ham Day
April 16 – National Eggs Benedict Day / Day of the Mushroom
April 17 – National Cheese Ball Day
April 18 – National Animal Cracker Day
April 19 – Garlic Day / Amaretto Day
April 20 – Food Day / Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day / Lima Bean Respect Day
April 21 – Chocolate-Covered Cashew Truffle Day
April 22 – Jelly Bean Day
April 23 – Picnic Da
April 24 – Pigs-in-a-Blanket Day
April 25 – National Zucchini Bread Day
April 26 – National Pretzel Day
April 27 – Prime Rib Day
April 28 – National Blueberry Pie Day
April 29 – National Shrimp Scampi Day
April 30 – National Oatmeal Cookie Day / Mr. Potato Head Day / Raisin Day
National Barbecue Month
National Hamburger Month
National Salad Month
National Salsa Month
National Strawberry Month
National Egg Month
National Asparagus Month
National Chocolate Custard Month
National Beef Month
National Raisin Week – First Week of May
National Herb Week – First Week of May
National Hamburger Week – Second Week of May
International Pickles Week – Third Week of May
National Frozen Yogurt Week – Fourth Week of May
American Beer Week – Fourth Week of May
May 1 – National Chocolate Parfait Day
May 2 – National Truffles Day
May 3 – National Raspberry Tart Day
May 4 – National Orange Juice Day / National Homebrew Day / National Candied Orange Peel Day
May 5 – National Chocolate Custard Day / Totally Chipotle Day / National Hoagie Day
May 6 – National Crepes Suzette Day / International No Diet Day / National Beverage Day
May 7 – National Roast Leg of Lamb Day
May 8 – National Coconut Cream Pie Day / National Empanada Day / Have A Coke Day
May 9 – National Butterscotch Brownie Day
May 10 – National Shrimp Day
May 11 – National Mocha Torte Day
May 11 – Eat What You Want Day
May 12 – National Nutty Fudge Day
May 13 – National Apple Pie Day / National Fruit Cocktail Day
May 14 – National Buttermilk Biscuit Day
May 15 – National Chocolate Chip Day
May 16 – National Coquilles St. Jacques Day
May 17 – National Cherry Cobbler Day
May 18 – National Cheese Soufflé Day
May 19 – National Devil’s Food Cake Day
May 20 – National Quiche Lorraine Day / Pick Strawberries Day
May 21 – National Strawberries & Cream Day
May 22 – National Vanilla Pudding Day
May 23 – National Taffy Day
May 24 – National Escargot Day
May 25 – National Wine Day / National Brown Bag it Day
May 26 – National Blueberry Cheesecake Day / National Cherry Dessert Day
May 27 – National Grape Popsicle Day
May 28 – National Brisket Day / National Hamburger Day
May 29 – National Coq Au Vin Day
May 30 – National Mint Julep Day / National Macaroon Day
National Dairy Month
Turkey Lovers Month

National Papaya Month
National Seafood Month
National Iced Tea Month
National Beef Steak Month
National Frozen Yogurt Month
National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month
Movable Holiday: 1st Friday of July – National Doughnut Day
June 1 – National Hazelnut Cake Day
June 2 – National Rocky Road Day
June 3 – National Chocolate Macaroon Day
June 4 – National Frozen Yogurt Day
June 5 – National Gingerbread Day
June 6 – National Applesauce Cake Day
June 7 – National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
June 8 – Chicken Tetrazzini Day / Jelly-filled Doughnut Day
June 9 – National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day
June 10 – National Black Cow Day
June 11 – National German Chocolate Day
June 12 – National Peanut Butter Cookie Day / National Jerky Day
June 13 – National Lobster Day
June 14 – National Strawberry Shortcake Day
June 15 – National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day
June 16 – National Fudge Day
June 17 – National Apple Streudel Day
June 18 – National Cherry Tart Day
June 19 – National Martini Day
June 20 – National Vanilla Milkshake Day
June 21 – National Peaches & Cream Day
June 22 – National Chocolate Eclair Day / National Onion Ring Day
June 23 – National Pecan Sandy Day
June 24 – National Creamy Pralines Day
June 25 – National Strawberry Parfait Day / National Catfish Day
June 26 – National Chocolate Pudding Day
June 27 – National Orange Blossom Day
June 28 – National Tapioca Day
June 29 – National Almond Butter Crunch Day
June 30 – National Mai Tai Day
National Watermelon Month
July Belongs To Berries Month
National Grilling Month
National Ice Cream Month
National Baked Bean Month
National Hot Dog Month
National Pickle Month
National Picnic Month
National Bison Month
National Canned Luncheon Meat Week – 1st Week of July
Movable Holiday: 3rd Sunday in July – National Ice Cream Day
July 1 – Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day / National Gingersnap Day
July 2 – National Anisette Day
July 3 – National Chocolate Wafer Day / Eat Beans Day
July 4 – National Barbecued Spareribs Day / Caesar Salad Birthday / Sidewalk Egg Frying Day
July 5 – National Apple Turnover Day / Graham Cracker Day
July 6 – National Fried Chicken Day
July 7 – National Strawberry Sundae Day / National Chocolate Day / Macaroni Day / Ice Cream Cone Day
July 8 – National Milk Chocolate with Almonds Day
July 9 – National Sugar Cookie Day
July 10 – National Pina Colada Day
July 11 – National Blueberry Muffin Day / Vegetarian Food Day
July 12 – National Pecan Pie Day / Eat Your Jello Day (Bill Cosby’s Birthday)
July 13 – National French Fries Day
July 14 – National Grand Marnier Day
July 15 – National Tapioca Pudding Day / Gummie Worm Day
July 16 – National Corn Fritters Day / Ice Cream Sundae Day / Fresh Spinach Day
July 17 – National Peach Ice Cream Day
July 18 – National Caviar Day
July 19 – National Daiquiri Day
July 20 – National Lollipop Day / National Ice Cream Soda Day / Fortune Cookie Day
July 21 – National Junk Food Day / National Creme Brulee Day
July 22 – National Penuche Fudge Day / Maple Syrup Day
July 23 – National Vanilla Ice Cream Day / National Hot Dog Day
July 24 – National Tequila Day
July 25 – National Hot Fudge Sundae Day
July 26 – National Coffee Milkshake Day
July 27 – National Scotch Day / National Cream Brulee Day
July 28 – National Milk Chocolate Day
July 29 – National Lasagna Day / Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day
July 30 – National Cheesecake Day
July 31 – National Raspberry Cake Day / Jump for Jelly Beans Day
National Sandwich Month
National Peach Month
National Catfish Month
Goat Cheese Month
Eat Dessert First Month
National Watermelon Month
National Brownies At Brunch Month
National Water Quality Month
Movable Holiday: 1st Saturday in August – National Mustard Day
August 1 – National Raspberry Cream Pie Day
August 2 – National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
August 3 – National Watermelon Day
August 4 – National Chocolate Chip Day / National Champagne Day
August 5 – National Chile Pepper Day
August 6 – National Root Beer Float Day
August 7 – National Raspberries & Cream Day
August 8 – National Frozen Custard Day
August 9 – National Rice Pudding Day
August 10 – National S’mores Day
August 11 – National Raspberry Bombe Day
August 12 – National Toasted Almond Bar Day
August 13 – National Filet Mignon Day
August 14 – National Creamsicle Day
August 15 – National Lemon Meringue Pie Day
August 16 – National Rum Day
August 17 – National Vanilla Custard Day / Cup Cake Day for the RSPCA 2010
August 18 – National Ice Cream Pie Day
August 19 – National Soft Ice Cream Day
August 20 – National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day / National Lemonade Day
August 21 – National Spumoni Day
August 22 – National Pecan Torte Day
August 23 – National Spongecake Day
August 24 – National Waffle Day / National Peach Pie Day
August 25 – National Banana Split Day / National Waffle Day
August 26 – National Cherry Popsicle Day
August 27 – National Banana Lover’s Day / National Pots du Creme Day
August 28 – National Cherry Turnover Day

August 29 – National Whisky Sour Day / More Herbs Less Salt Day
August 29 – National Lemon Juice Day
August 30 – National Marshmallow Toasting Day
August 31 – National Trail Mix Day / Eat outside day
National Breakfast Month
National Biscuit Month

National Honey Month
National Potato Month
National Apple Month
National Chicken Month
National Rice Month
National Papaya Month
California Wine Month
Ethnic Foods Month
National Cholesterol Awareness Month
National Ice Cream Sandwich Month
Food Allergy Awareness Month
National Organic Harvest Month
National Mushroom Month
September 1 – National Cherry Popover Day
September 2 – National Blueberry Popsicle Day
September 3 – National Welsh Rabbit Day
September 4 – National Macadamia Nut Day / Eat an Extra Dessert Day
September 5 – National Cheese Pizza Day
September 6 – National Coffee Ice Cream Day
September 7 – National Napoleon Day
September 8 – National Date-Nut Bread Day
September 9 – National Steak au Poivre Day
September 10 – NONE
September 11 – National Hot Cross Bun Day
September 12 – National Chocolate Milkshake Day
September 13 – National Peanut Day
September 14 – National Cream-Filled Donut Day
September 15 – National Creme de Menthe Day
September 16 – NONE
September 17 – National Apple Dumpling Day
September 18 – NONE
September 19 – National Butterscotch Pudding Day
September 20 – National Rum Punch Day
September 21 – National Pecan Cookie Day
September 22 – National White Chocolate Day
September 23 – National Chocolate Day
September 24 – National Cherries Jubilee Day
September 25 – National Crab Newberg Day
National Cooking Day
September 26 – National Pancake Day
September 27 – National Chocolate Milk Day / National Corned Beef Hash Day
September 28 – National Strawberry Cream Pie Day
September 29 – National Mocha Day
September 30 – National Mulled Cider Day
National Cookie Month
Spinach Lovers Month
Popcorn Poppin’ Month
National Tomato Month
National Seafood Month
National Chili Month
National Pork Month
National Pretzel Month
National Dessert Month
National Apple Month
Eat Country Ham Month
National Pickled Peppers Month
Vegetarian Awareness Month
National Pasta Month
National Chili Week – 1st Week of October
American Beer Week – 2nd Week of October
National Food Bank Week – 2nd Week of October
National School Lunch Week – 2nd Week of October
National Kraut Sandwich Week – 3rd Week of October
Pickled Peppers Week – 3rd Week of October
Chicken Soup for the Soul Week – 4th Week of October
Movable Holiday: 2nd Thursday in October – National Desert Day
October 1 – World Vegetarian Day
October 2 – National French Fried Scallops Day
October 3 – National Caramel Custard Day
October 4 – National Taco Day
October 5 – National Apple Betty Day
October 6 – National Noodle Day
October 7 – National Frappe Day
October 8 – National Fluffernutter Day
October 9 – National Dessert Day
October 10 – National Angel Food Cake Day
October 11 – National Sausage Pizza Day
October 13 – National Yorkshire Pudding Day
October 14 – National Chocolate Covered Insect Day
October 15 – National Roast Pheasant Day / Mushroom Day / Chicken Cacciatory Day
October 16 – World Food Day / Oatmeal Day
October 17 – National Pasta Day
October 18 – National Chocolate Cupcake Day
October 19 – National Seafood Bisque Day
October 20 – National Brandied Fruit Day
October 21 – National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day
October 22 – National Nut Day
October 23 – National Boston Cream Pie Day
October 24 – National Bologna Day
October 25 – National Greasy Foods Day
October 26 – National Mincemeat Pie Day
October 27 – National Potato Day
October 28 – National Chocolate Day
October 29 – National Pancake Day / Oatmeal Day
October 30 – National Candy Corn Day
October 31 – National Caramel Apple Day
National Pepper Month
Bingo's Birthday Month
National Georgia Pecan Month
National Raisin Bread Month
National Pomegranate Month
National Fun with Fondue Month
National Peanut Butter Lovers’ Month
National Apple Month
National Fig Week is the first week in November.
November 1 – National French Fried Clam Day
November 2 – National Deviled Egg Day
Local Bingo Games Schedule
November 3 – Sandwich Day
November 4 – National Candy Day
November 5 – National Doughnut Day
November 6 – National Nachos Day
November 7 – Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
November 8 – National Harvey Wallbanger Day
November 9 – National Scrapple Day
November 10 – National Vanilla Cupcake Day
November 11 – National Sundae Day
November 12 – National Pizza with the Works Day
November 13 – National Indian Pudding Day
November 14 – National Guacamole Day
November 15 – Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
November 16 – National Fast Food Day
November 17 – National Baklava Day / Homemade Bread Day
November 18 – National Vichyssoise Day
National Bingo Day Clip Art
November 19 – Carbonated Beverage with Caffeine Day
November 20 – National Peanut Butter Fudge Day
November 21 – National Stuffing Day
November 22 – National Cranberry Relish Day
November 23 – National Cashew Day / National Eat A Cranberry Day
November 24 – National Espresso Day
November 25 – National Parfait Day
November 26 – National Cake Day
November 27 – National Bavarian Cream Pie Day
November 28 – National French Toast Day
November 29 – National Chocolates Day / Throw Out Your Leftovers Day
November 30 – National Mousse Day
National Fruit Cake Month
National Egg Nog Month
Cookie Cutter Week – First Week
Lager Beer Week – Second Week
December 1 – National Pie Day / National Eat a Red Apple Day
December 2 – National Fritters Day
December 3 – National Ice Cream Box Day
December 4 – National Cookie Day
December 5 – National Sacher Torte Day
December 6 – National Gazpacho Day
December 7 – Cotton Candy Day
December 8 – Brownie Day
December 9 – National Pastry Day / Apple Pie Day
December 10 – National Lager Day
December 11 – National Noodle-Ring Day
December 12 – National Ambrosia Day
December 12 – Gingerbread House Day
December 13 – National Cocoa Day
December 14 – National Bouillabaisse Day
December 15 – National Lemon Cupcake Day
December 16 – Chocolate Covered Anything Day
December 17 – National Maple Syrup Day
December 18 – National Roast Suckling Pig Day
December 19 – Oatmeal Muffin Day
December 20 – National Fried Shrimp Day / National Sangria Day
December 21 – National Hamburger Day / Kiwi Fruit Day
December 22 – National Date Nut Bread Day
December 23 – National Pfeffernusse Day
December 24 – National Egg Nog Day
December 25 – Pumpkin Pie Day
December 26 – National Candy Cane Day / National Coffee Percolator Day
December 27 – National Fruit Cake Day
December 28 – National Chocolate Candy Day
December 29 – Pepper Pot Day
December 30 – National Bicarbonate Of Soda Day
December 31 – National Champagne Day