Lotto Prediction
A pick-6 lotto game requires you to play 6 main numbers per ticket. Many lotto players pick 6 numbers from a selected pool of numbers (example 20 numbers that did well in the past, or 20 favorite numbers).
No machine has been invented yet to make lottery predictions. So while that magical machine is non-existent, mathematics remains the only tool that will give you the best shot possible to win in the lottery. Mathematics and Lottery Predictions I have conducted studies on many lottery games around the world. For most people, playing lottery games is fun. There are, however, a small percentage of people who have gambling problems. While lotteries rarely cause problem gambling, we want to remind you that does not guarantee that predictions made by or's registered users in the Advanced Predictions, Users Predictions.
Now, what’s the “mathematical chance” that 3, 4, 5 or 6 winning numbers will be among a randomly chosen pool of numbers ?
That really depends on what type of
pick 6 lottery game we play!
These lottery prediction tables are the answer to all your questions. Each table displays the probability of how many winning numbers someone can expect to “predict” when one selects a pool of lottery numbers from a larger group of numbers.
Treat this information like a treasure : you won’t find this anywhere else on the internet!
Lotto System Guide – 100% Free
Many lotto players believe that knowing the right numbers to select so you can win the lottery depends on how well you know how to find and use the appropriate algorithm to predict lottery numbers. Although there are mathematical and statistical professors who claim to have created complicated algorithms to beat out the lottery odds must savvy players want to know if there are simple algorithms that exist.
Believe it or not a player can dramatically increase their chances of winning not just one but multiple prizes in the same draw by playing the lottery smarter instead of more often or by using methods that don’t work (like picking birthdays or significant dates for ticket numbers).
The key to predicting the winning numbers lies in using Math and statistical probability to give yourself an incredible high chance of winning. More on that later.
Aiming To Win The Lottery
To reduce the odds against you in a lottery draw while simultaneously dramatically increasing your odds of winning all it takes is for a lottery player to choose a system that is easy to understand and equally as easy to apply.
It’s all in the Math.
This is great news for those who have found winning the lottery to be a herculean task.
Instead of feeling lost and hopeless instead utilize the power of algorithms today. I have even had people say to me “pick powerball numbers for me” and I will give you 50% of the winnings.
“No”, I reply, “I’ll” pick the numbers for myself and keep 100% of the winnings!”
No-one will pick your numbers for you but I will show you how to pick, and more importantly how to play, your numbers in such a way that you will have an unfair advantage when it comes to lottery games.
How to Pick Lotto Numbers
Armed with the past drawings of your preferred lottery game, you can aim to pick the next numbers to be drawn with the help of a simple algorithm.
Lottery players are beginning to realize that choosing numbers based on the birthdays of family members and friends does not increase their chances of winning the lottery. This is no different from choosing numbers at random or picking numbers simply because you feel lucky with them.
Any serious player who aims to win the lottery needs to understand that the odds of winning a prize are stacked heavily against him or her.
This means a serious lottery player needs to know how to narrow the odds against the player while also increasing the odds to be more in favor of the same player. This is how to win the lottery playing the smart way and in fact it is the only way you can win the lottery!
How Can Math Help?
More and more mathematicians are laying claim to having formulas for winning the lottery.
We must concede that mathematical formals do exist when we see first-hand that people who deal with numbers every day win multiple times on lottery games.
A prime example is Joan Ginther Ph.D. a Statistical professor at Stanford University, who won the lottery 5 times beating out odds of a septillion (1followedby24zeros) to 1 !
Richard Lustig and several others also claim to have a system to beat the lottery.
According to these past (multiple) winners, since lottery games are based on numbers which are drawn randomly, the use of Math can help in the picking and playing of numbers to be drawn next.
Using Probability Engines
They claim that with the help of probability, predicting the outcome of random events is a whole lot easier.
Their claims are supported by a particular trend which lottery games tend to follow. For instance, the probability of picking an odd number over an even number is higher should there be 45 balls to be drawn from instead of an even number like 44 or 46 – simply because there are more odd balls than even balls.
This is small example of how probability works but demonstrates that some type of Math is working in the lottery.
Such proofs strengthen the argument that Math can be used in predicting the next lottery numbers to be drawn.
But can you really predict lottery numbers using statistical probability?
But … you can increase your odds of winning by using probability engines in such a way that you can play more numbers in the same game than you would normally be able to play.
Imagine being able to play 7 numbers in a Pick 4 game, or being able to play 12 numbers in a Pick 6 game – do you think you would have a better chance of winning than those who only get to play the standard amount of numbers?
So how do you do this? Well it’s harder to explain it than it is to actually do it.
Pick Winning Numbers
Playing the lottery with a statistical probability approach (so you can actually win) is the smart way to play. Although you can use certain methods for picking your numbers it is really about how you play your numbers that counts most.
The kind of lottery game you decide to play determines how many numbers need to be selected. The less numbers that are drawn in a lottery game then the less numbers you need to play.
This does not mean that the use of an algorithm works better for one lottery game than another.
The point is that a lottery algorithm calculator works best when it is applied after the selection of numbers for a particular game and not before the numbers are picked.
Now as I already mentioned there are ways to pick your numbers than can help you choose winning numbers but the real power comes from how you play your numbers rather than the picking of them.
This is because of the need to make use of past drawings in determining what numbers will be picked in the next draw. Using the past result of one lottery game to determine what numbers will be drawn for another lottery game can only amount to failure.
The Importance of Past Drawings
One of the reasons given why an Algorithm Calculator cannot give an accurate prediction is when the past result of a lottery game is used in making selections for a different lottery game. This explains the importance of past drawings.
They are used by algorithms to predict the pattern of a draw. It explains why certain numbers have been drawn more than the others. So, rather than select numbers randomly and hope for chance to see you through, past drawings help to narrow the odds of winning the lottery.
Proof That Formulas Work
The use of a formula to predict lottery numbers has been adopted by many as good practice. Multiple lottery winners like Richard Lustig preach the need to avoid picking numbers randomly.

Following seven wins, he has won enough lottery prizes for his words to be taken seriously.
Lustig claims that at first, he put his winnings down to pure luck until after he won his third lottery prize.
Numbers Midday
He began to discover a pattern in the way he played the game and won four more lottery prizes when he developed this system even further.
There are people who offer testimonies of winning lottery prizes after applying the formula offered by Richard Lustig. This goes to prove that formulas can be used to predict lottery numbers to be drawn.
However, by far the greatest way to ensure a lotto win is to wheel your numbers.
Win With Math
Never choose numbers at random when next you want to play the lottery. They do not help to make your dreams of winning the lottery a reality.

Following the path of science, probability and statistical formulas offer a better chance as it narrows the odds and increases your chances of winning.
What should matter most to you going forward is rather than determining how to predict lottery numbers you should consider how to play lottery numbers mathematically.
Lotto Prediction Expert
Winning the lottery is all about understanding the patterns in which the games work and this is what algorithms do. They take away the guesswork of predicting the most likely numbers to be drawn and replace them with statistical formulas that help you increase your chances of having winning numbers in your selection.
Employ the use of number wheeling to improve your chances of winning the lottery.
Lotto Predictions
As you select a set of numbers using formulas that work, play them on multiple tickets. Your multiple tickets of numbers predicted mathematically can be played by you alone or with funds pooled together for this purpose via lottery syndicates or lottery pools.