Blackjack Side Bets
Blackjack side bets come in many shapes and sizes. Many traditional and online blackjack games have their own lineup of side bets. It would be impossible to come up with a complete list of side bets, though all blackjack side bet options generally fall under a few different categories. Here’s a breakdown of both common and obscure blackjack side bets.
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Sep 08, 2019 So, to cut to the chase, side bets in blackjack are extra wagers that are designed to make the game more exciting. In other words, they can enrich the experience of playing blackjack. As their name implies, these wagers are independent of the main bet. As a rule of thumb, side bets require a small wager, such as $1. Mar 03, 2020 On top of that, side bets require a small stake. So, you can win thousands of rupees even if you invest just a couple of them. In essence, this is the ‘secret of success’ when it comes to side bets. Important Types of Side Bets. As we said, blackjack lovers in India can place their hard-earned rupees on all sorts of side bets. Blackjack side bets In an effort to encourage more players to play blackjack, and also to improve their margins, many land-based and online casinos have added side bets on their blackjack tables. The innocent-looking side bets usually require a rather small wager (typically only a dollar), and they generally have payoffs. All Blackjack games come with side bets included. Whether they are Perfect Pairs, 21+3 or Lucky Ladies, all these side bets offer prizes of a higher value that may seem too good to be true. Side bets in Blackjack are just that: optional bets that you can make in addition to your main hand bet. The bets cover things that happen during the main hand play that aren’t covered by the normal playing rules of Blackjack. Side bets generally have no link to the main hand outcome, apart from Bet Behind which I’ll explain more about later.
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Super Sevens Side Bet
The 7 card is a big player in blackjack side bets. Sometimes called Super Sevens bets, this side bet is a proposition wager on whether or not the first card you are dealt is a 7. This bet traditionally pays off at 3-to-1.
Another Super Sevens side bet is whether the first two cards you receive are 7s. Because this is a far less likely event, a winning Double Sevens bet pays off at 50-to-1 or more. Taking it a step further, some casinos that use multi-deck blackjack shoes offer Suited Sevens bets, which state that if you are dealt two suited sevens, you win a payoff as high as 100-to-1.
There’s one more Super Sevens bet that is one of the least likely occurrences in the casino. If the first 3 cards you are dealt are 7s, regardless of suit, you can earn between 500-to-1 (for unsuited triple 7s) or as much as 5,000 to 1 (for suited triple 7s).

Royal Match Side Bet

The Royal Match bet pays a small bonus if the first two cards you receive are suited, called an “easy match”, and a much larger bonus if the first two cards you receive are a suited king and queen, which is called the Royal Match. You’ll find several versions of this side bet, with the payouts expected just under 97% to 93%.
Streak Blackjack Side Bet
One blackjack side bet you might not see as often in the streak bet. In this proposition, you win the bonus if you have a certain number of winning hands in a row. When you have split pairs, you’ll need to determine a net win for the total hand. For instance, if you split 7s and win on one hand while pushing on the other, that’s considered a net win. Take note that most streak bets don’t allow you the surrender option.
Over/Under 13 Side Bet
This proposition calls for you to bet on whether your hand will be over 13, under 13, or exactly 13 after you’re dealt two cards. For the purpose of this bet, aces count as 1. If you make this wager and all things are even (when card counting), the better proposition is to be Under 13, which has a house edge of over 6% instead of over 10%. The exactly 13 bet, which pays at 10 to 1 odds, is over 7% house edge.
Pair Square Side Bet
In this bet, you win money if your first two cards are a pair. If the first two cards are a suited pair, you’re paid even more. This blackjack side bet, which has been spotted in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, and Tunica, is one of the better side bets in blackjack from the player’s perspective. The expected return ranges from 99.41% for a popular one-deck variation to a 96.15% for one of the six-deck variations.
21 + 3 Side Bet
The 21+3 side bet in blackjack is based on the first two cards you’re showing and the dealer’s face card. If the combination of these cards are a straight, a flush, a straight flush, or a three of a kind, you win your side bet. The house edge on these games ranges from over 2% to somewhat over 3%.
Sweet Sixteen Side Bet
The Sweet 16 side bet in blackjack pays if you get a 16 or more on your first two cards. This bet pays at 1 to 1. Also, one ace pays at 1 to 1, while two aces pay at 2 to 1. If you get a pair of 2s through 7s, you get a push. This combines for a 97.42% house edge.
Lucky Ladies Side Bet
The Lucky Ladies bet involves making a 20-hand, while the best payoff is for a pair with the Queen of Hearts. If you receive a Queen of Hearts pair making 20, you’re paid at 125 to 1. If you receive a Queen of Hearts pair while the dealer makes a blackjack, you win 1000 to 1 in payoff money. A matched 20 (matched rank and suit) gives you 19 to 1 odds, while a suited 20 pays off at 9 to 1. If you build a hand with an unsuited 20, you’re paid at 4 to 1.
Bonus Blackjack Side Bet
This is a series of side bets in which either you or the dealer, or both, get a blackjack. You can bet on the player getting the blackjack, the dealer getting the blackjack, or both of your hitting on it. If both you and the dealer get blackjacks with an ace and jack of spades, you win a progressive bonus payoff.
More Blackjack Side Bets
Below are some other blackjack side bets you’ll find in casinos. Each blackjack floor is going to offer its own list of side bets, so learn what the side bets are in the local card rooms where you live. Online casinos also sometimes offer their own selection of blackjack side bets.
Bonanza Blackjack – Player has a hard or soft 20 and the dealer has a 10-point card of any type.
Hi/Low Side Bet – You can bet on whether your first card is going to be higher or lower than the dealer’s card.
2 through 6 Side Bet – If the dealer is dealt a 2 through 6 card, you win a side bet.
Jack Magic Side Bet – This involves getting jacks in your hand and the dealer’s face-up card. You’re paid more for one-eyed jacks.
Match the Dealer Side Bet – For each of your first 2 cards which matched the dealer’s up card, you win a side bet.
Lucky Lucky Side Bet – This involves getting certain combinations in your first 2 cards and the dealer’s up card: 777, 678, and other combinations that add up to 21.
Bonus Spin Side Bet – In this game, you’ll receive a spin at a wheel if you win the bonus spin side bet. The prize wheel range from 5x to 100x.
Dare Any Pairs Side Bet – This bet pays at 11 to 1 and is simple as can be. If your first two cards are a pair, you win the 11 to 1 bet.
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Blackjack Table Bets
This page will list and describe all the most popular side bets in blackjack that we have come to love (and hate), including Perfect Pairs, Lucky Ladies, Blackpot, Match the Dealer, Royal Match, Lucky Lucky, 21+3, and more.

If you’re a regular blackjack player, you will have no doubt noticed or come across many exciting variations of the standard game. Blackjack is one of the most popular casino card games in the world and it’s only natural to expect several unique changes to be introduced to the game over the time. Some are virtually identical to the original template and others are completely different.
One popular aspect regularly added to the traditional game of 21 are side bets. Side bets slightly alter the mechanics of play and offer bonus payouts, but otherwise retain the traditional blackjack template in that they are made separate to your primary wagers and the end goal of obtaining 21.
There are several side bets out in the wild and for your convenience, we are covering the most popular ones regularly added onto traditional blackjack games. We’re going to examine their rules and odds to determine whether or not blackjack side bets are worthwhile.
Blackjack side bets are optional wagers offered in many games of blackjack, both in live casinos and online games. They’re specifically designed to offer attractive bonuses which, in turn, lure more players to the tables.
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Types of Blackjack Side Bets
Blackpot: The Blackpot side bet, popular at Melbourne’s Crown Casino, offers players the chance at large payouts if they hit the coveted 6-7-8 combination. Usually holding a minimum bet of $1, if a player draws any combination of a Six, Seven or Eight (cannot be of the same value; must be a Six and Seven, Six and Eight, or Seven and Eight) with his/her first two cards, a payout of 10-1 is immediately granted. Opt to hit to continue the side bet, and if the 6-7-8 combination is completed with the other card value (a total of 21), a 100-1 payout is awarded. If this eventuates, the side bet carries over to the player’s next hand free of charge, and the payouts become even greater if a successful combination is managed again. A subsequent two card combo of any of the three cards nets a 1000-1 payout, and completing the 6-7-8 three-card combo on this second consecutive hand nets a maximum payout of $20,000. Read our Blackpot article for further info about the mechanics of this unique side wager.
Lucky Ladies: The Lucky Ladies side wager is popular throughout the United States and in the online gaming community, and is based on a player’s initial two cards, and those cards totalling 20 points. We have multiple options of initial two cards totalling 20, each which hold different payouts for this side bet: two non-suited cards, two suited cards, two matching cards of the same suit and rank, a pair of Queens of Hearts and finally, the coveted pair of Queen of Hearts with a dealer blackjack, which nets a payout of 1000:1. Find out the probabilities and all payouts of the Lucky Ladies side bet here.
Perfect Pairs: Simple enough and very enjoyable to play, the Perfect Pairs side wager is one of the most accessible and thus one of the most commonly played side bets in the game of blackjack. Based on a player’s initial two cards, if these two cards are of the same value, a payout is awarded. There are three types of pairs – a mixed pair (two cards which differ in suit and colour, but are of the same rank); a coloured pair (two cards which differ only in suit); and a perfect pair (two identical cards). A mixed pair holds the lowest payout, the coloured pair then holds a slightly higher payout, and the perfect pair holds the greatest payout. Payouts can differ depending on the casino. This side wager is also used in baccarat and can be added to other card games, too. For a full chart of payouts, probabilities and combination, read our Perfect Pairs article here.
Match the Dealer: A popular side wager found in blackjack as well as Spanish 21, if either or both of a player’s initial two cards match the dealer’s up-card, that player is awarded a payout based on the type of match: one non-suited matching card; one suited matching card, two non-suited matching cards; one non-suited match and one suited match; and two suited matching cards. Different games hold different payouts for each outcome, with two suited matches owning the largest payout (differs from 18:1 to 28:1).
Royal Match: This side bet is based only on the player’s first two cards. If the player’s initial two cards are suited (i.e. a seven and four of Spades), he/she is rewarded with a bonus payout (most commonly 2.5 to 1). Drawing a ‘royal match’ – defined as a suited King and Queen – holds a 25:1 payout. The house edge on this wager differs depending on the numbers of decks used in a typical game.
Lucky Lucky: The Lucky Lucky wager is commonly found in Las Vegas casinos and some online blackjack games, too. It holds one of the lowest house edges of any blackjack side bet (around 2.65%, depending on how many decks are used), and has multiple combinations which receive bonus payouts when the bet is played. Based on the player’s first two cards and the dealer’s up-card, here are the results which net a bonus return (payouts in parentheses):
- Suited 7-7-7 (200:1)
- Suited 6-7-8 (100:1)
- Unsuited 7-7-7 (50:1)
- Unsuited 6-7-8 (30:1)
- Suited 21 total (15:1)
- Unsuited 21 total (3:1)
- Any total of 20 (2:1)
- Any total of 19 (2:1)
For example, if the player is dealt two royal cards (let’s say a King of Diamonds and a Jack of Hearts), and the dealer’s up-card is an Ace of Clubs – we have three unsuited cards totalling 21 and the player is awarded the specific payout for that outcome (3:1), assuming he/she placed the Lucky Lucky wager.
21 + 3: The 21 + 3 wager, like Lucky Lucky, is also based on the dealer’s up-card and the player’s initial two cards. If these three cards make a flush, straight, straight flush or three of a kind, a payout (often of 9:1 for all the above outcomes) is awarded.
Hi/Lo 13: The aim of the Hi/Lo 13 side bet option is to accurately guess whether your first will be valued at more than, less than or exactly at 13, with each result offering a fixed payout.
High Streak: The High Streak blackjack side bet awards a progressive bonus payout when you win several hands in a row.
Super 7 Side Bet: The Super 7 side bet option is a wager that you will be dealt a seven card of any suit.
Understanding Side Wagers
Side bets are popular because they’re easy to understand, easy to play and usually offer attractive returns, separate from the main hand. As attractive and fun as side bets can be, we should use them sparingly. They are not designed for players to expect consistent winnings by banking on them, as the casino always employs a significantly higher house edge than that of the traditional blackjack game (side bets can carry a house edge anywhere from around 2% to as high as 75%).